Warley Primary School



Our History Curriculum is intended to give all children the opportunity to learn about a range of different historical events and periods from both Britain and the wider world. This includes giving children of Warley opportunities inside and outside of school through trips and visitors that they may not be able to otherwise access.

With an engaging and varied curriculum, children are able to develop a strong foundation of knowledge and understanding in History as well as an excitement and interest for the subject.

Our planning meets the objectives set out in The National Curriculum, and allows children to make good progress in the subject throughout their time at Warley Primary School.

We hope to give children the opportunity to find the key areas of History that they are passionate about so they can continue their History studies at secondary school with enthusiasm.


History is taught every other half term in KS1 and KS2, for an hour weekly, This is to allow children to gain depth in their learning.

Children begin their historical learning in the EYFS, in which at the end of Reception they are able to talk about past and present events in their own lives and explore differences in cultures.

We have carefully chosen a scheme of work that ensures progression through 3 key strands. These are: Historical Enquiry, Historical Understanding and Chronological Understanding.

The children have lots of opportunities to learn with visitors, trips and History Curriculum Days.

At Warley Primary School, we have high expectations equal to core subjects, enabling the children the opportunity to enjoy and progress within History.

 Click here to see our History Curriculum Overview: History Overview


By the time pupils leave Warley Primary School, they have been given a wide range of opportunities to explore History and gain key skills and knowledge in the subject to continue their learning in History at a deeper level, hopefully with an enthusiasm and passion for the subject.

  • Children will have a sound understanding of chronology and will understand the timeline of key events.
  • Children will have access to high quality primary and secondary resources and be able to gather evidence from these.
  • They deepen their knowledge with trips and visitors which provide rich and engaging opportunities.
  • Children can work both independently and collaboratively in History lessons, utilising their strengths to scaffold the learning of others,
  • Children at Warley understand that History is a study of real events and people and that one day the age in which they live will also be ‘History’.
  • Children make good progress within the key strands of the History curriculum because the lessons progressively build on prior knowledge.

Chindits Lane, Brentwood,
Essex. CM14 5LF

